Shito-Ryu is a style of karate that trains using kata. These karate dances have names reflecting key mental lessons for martial artists. One advanced...
Grappling is fighting using locks and holds to defeat foes. Various leg twisting techniques called heel hooks push the body’s biomechanics to the limits...
Martial artists pound kicking bags in training to better strikes. Unlike pads held by partners, bags allow full-forced repetition. Attacking the heavy bag with...
Martial artists train weapon defense techniques against fake knives, sticks or swords – but what about guns? Safe rubber guns allow this! Realistic rubber...
Saifa translates from Chinese as “Smashing and Tearing”. It was originally a southern Fujian White Crane kung fu form later modified into Okinawan karate....
The name Seienchin translates as “Peaceful Mind Across the Universe” or “Peace and Harmony”. This advanced kata aims to create those emotional states in...
Shisochin kata translates as “Four Directions of Serious Force”.Expanding the style of its counterpart Sochin, Shisochin adds movements striking low in four directions –...